International Conference on Nuclear Medicine and Intelligent Healthcare (NMIH 2025) 

March 29-30, Shanghai, China

General Information of NMIH 2025


2025 International Conference on Nuclear Medicine and Intelligent Healthcare (NMIH 2025) will be held in Shanghai, China during March 29-30 2025, organized by Hubei Zhongke Institute of Geology and Environment Technology. The conference will provide networking opportunities for participants to share ideas, designs, and experiences on the state-of-the-art and future direction of Nuclear Medicine and Intelligent Healthcare. It aims to bring together outstanding scholars, researchers, and students to exchange and share their scientific research achievements and cutting-edge technologies about all aspects of biomedical engineering and healthcare technology. We will also provide the keynote address and several plenary invited speeches for discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the various solutions. 
We cordially welcome all experts of industry, academia and government from all over the world to contribute to and help shape this conference through submissions of their research abstracts, papers and posters. NMIH 2025 will feature a high-quality technical & experiential program dealing with a mix of traditional and contemporary hot topics in paper presentations and high-profile keynotes. Looking forward to your participation!


Important Dates

Conference Date

March 29-30, 2025

Paper Submission Deadline 

December 31, 2024

Registration Deadline

March 22, 2025


Be a Member of NMIH 2025

The goal of NMIH 2025 is to bring together scholars, engineers, and students to share experiences and latest research findings on those topics, including submitting your work to this conference. You are warmly welcome to join us.

1. As a Author:
Giving oral/poster presentation on NMIH 2025 with publishing your paper in the proceedings. Please submit your full English papers before deadline.

2. As a Keynote Speaker:
If you are interested in being a Keynote Speaker, please kindly send your CV to us for verification. 

3. As a TPC Member/Reviewer:
If you are interested in being a TPC Member/Reviewer, please kindly send your CV to us for verification. 

4. As a Listener:
Without submitting paper or giving oral report, you also can join us as a listener. Please kindly send the complete registration form with the payment proof to to finish the registration.

Call For Paper


Nuclear technology 
Nuclides and nuclear radiation
Clinical nuclear medicine
Experimental nuclear medicine
Nuclear medicine diagnosis
Nuclear medicine treatment
Nuclear medicine equipment and operation
Molecular biology
Intelligent diagnosis and treatment
Medical Natural Language Processing
Virtual diagnosis and treatment system
Artificial Intelligence and Traditional Chinese Medicine
Precision medicine
Intelligent analysis of medical and pathological images
Smart Health Management
Cutting-edge technologies in artificial intelligence
Case Priority
Machine Learning and Deep Medical Learning
Virtual Nursing
Biometric recognition
Biomedical Informatics
Intelligent Medical Speech Input and Recognition Technology
data security
Medical Statistics
Hospital Information Management System
Disease Prediction and Prediction Department
Medical big data processing
Intelligent drug development
Wearable medical devices
Clinical Decision Support System
Clinical trial design
Intelligent medical devices and medical robots


Submission Guidelines:

1. The submitted papers must not be previously published or under consideration of publication elsewhere.

2. Please submit your abstract or full paper to Submission System.

3. And please submit the full paper if both the presentation and publication are needed.

4. Should you have any questions or you need any information in English, please contact us.


1) Both Chinese and English Paper are welcomed. The author can make an oral presentation after the paper is accepted and the payment is made.

2) All review processes are blind reviews.

3) All submitted articles should report original research results, experimental or theoretical, not previously published or under consideration for publication elsewhere. Articles submitted to the conference should meet these criteria. We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtue of any academics. Hence, any act of plagiarism or other misconduct is totally unacceptable and cannot be tolerated.

4) If the paper is a funded project, please be sure to indicate the project name and number in the submitted article.



Excellent papers will be recommended directly to suitable journals as follows: 

ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare (HEALTH)(ISSN:2637-8051



Hubei Zhongke Institute of Geology and Environment Technology

NMIH 2025  
The NMIH 2025 organizing committee encourages you to invite colleagues to attend and submit original research for the conference.